Your DUI Guide – What You Need To Know

When it comes to getting a DUI one of the things you need to understand is what to do next. When you get a DUI you probably know you are already in trouble, but there is much more that you need to know. My advice to you is before you do anything you should first call an attorney and see if they can represent you. If you don’t have an attorney then a judge is going to push you until you crack and with an attorney they won’t let that happen.

Something you need to understand is that once you get a DUI you will have a certain amount of time to call the Department of Motor Vehicles and schedule a hearing. The reason why you need to do this is because they will set a hearing for you to determine what’s going to happen with your license. The reason why you want to call and schedule this hearing as soon as possible is because every state has a different date that it needs to be done by and if you don’t call within that timeline your license will automatically be suspended. Don’t forget to call because you will receive more fines and you will have to live without your driver’s license for a while.

One thing you must know is that a lawyer can get you off with just a slap on the wrist if you are lucky and they know what they are doing. What I mean by this is just because you had a field sobriety test doesn’t mean you will be found guilty, you can easily get the test results thrown out if they were not being done with a checked breathalyzer. The reason why you need to know this is because only attorneys will be able to get this information and see if it is valid and that is why you need a good attorney. Don’t be fooled when a judge says you do not need an attorney, you need one and you should have one prior to getting up in front of an attorney.

When it comes to getting in front of a judge you need to know one thing, your appearance matters more than you think. What most people don’t understand is that you must look like your attorney if you want to get off with as little as possible. The reason why you need to be dressed up and looking sharp is because what you wear is one fourth of the determining factor as to whether or not you will be found guilty. Something that you have to know is a judge will look to see if you look like you learned a lesson or if you are going to drink and drive again.